Why SupportDesk

While there is a very long list of products available for Customer Support, why choose SupportDesk?

Here are a few reasons:

1. Low Cost
The pricing is very flexible that every class of users can get the product at a very low cost.
You can choose the best plan to suit your particular needs.

2. Source Code included
You can modify the software to suit your needs, add more features and design elements to enhance the functionality and the look and feel.

3. Supports Multiple companies
You can have as many companies you want to give support to. This is particularly helpful for companies who are in Support Industry. You can handle queries from different customer bases to different companies, all under one roof!

4. Unlimited Tickets
Unlike many other helpdesk software, SupportDesk donot restrict you from handling any number of tickets. Thus you dont have to worry when you have a lot of tickets coming in, you are all set to handle them, at any time.

5. Unlimited Departments
You will be able to create multi-level departments to classiy your tickets.

6. Unlimited Companies
While all other industry leading Help Desk softwares will allow you to handle tickets to a single company, in SupportDesk, you can create any number of companies, and you can handle all the tickts to all these companies using the same interface, helpful especially for support based/ support outsourcing companies.

7. Unlimited Staff/users
The number of technicians and the number of users in the system is not restricted in any way so that you can use the same software to handle virtually any number of clients/tickets/staffs.

8. Flexible Licensing
The licensing of the software is so flexible and straight-forward that you can easily choose a plan to best suit your individual needs.

9. Multi-language support
You can serve your pages in multiple languages, all you need to do is create the languages, and change the text in the language files.

10. Interface Customization.
You can choose the color scheme and select the fields you want to display in the ticket views